There’s a fly on the wall of Titles on Tap

ms_marvel_coverWe’re meeting at Napper Tandy’s tonight 4/26 at 7:30 pm to discuss Volumes 1 and 2 of the new Ms. Marvel, “No Normal” and Generation Why.” A Pakistani-American Muslim teenage girl in Jersey City as Ms Marvel – does it work? We’d love to hear your thoughts about these graphic novels? Meet us in the left-hand-side bar at Napper Tandy’s in Norwood.

And in May, there will be a fly on the wall of Titles on Tap. We’ll be reading “Jacob’s Folly” by Rebecca Miller, which involves an 18th-century Jewish merchant in Paris named Jacob Cerf. Our Jacob is reincarnated as a fly in the 21st-century Long Island suburbs…yup, a fly, as in buzz buzz. In Miller’s book of historical fiction and magical realism, even a tiny insect can influence people’s lives, and thanks to the new Jacob, the lives of a volunteer fireman and a young Orthodox Jewish woman will never be the same.

Copies are available at Reference, so pick one up and join us Tuesday May 24 at 7:30 pm!TOT_JacobsFolly_SM

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